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8:19 AM - Sat 4.20.24

Camille Claudel And A Free Boxed Lunch

(As is often the case, I went to bed late last night and woke up early this morning. So I don't know how much longer I'll be up - this current state of wakefulness will certainly not last - but I plan to take advantage while I can...)

Well, there isn't much in the way of "news" from here - It was a slow week - but I'll give you what I've got.

The two theatrical auditions I was so enthused about have added up to a big fat nothing. Disappointing - Both went well enough that I wouldn't have been shocked if I'd booked one of them - but I'm telling myself there will be others (Though I'm not as confident of that as I used to be).

I feel pulled in two directions these days.

While I didn't come out to Hollywood to do commercials, at the level I've landed at, commercials are way more lucrative than getting a couple of lines as a minor character on a TV show.

But be that as it may, I'd still like to show up on people's TVs in the things they want to watch rather than the things they fast-forward through.

Speaking of commercials and getting paid and all that, I can't help but notice I still haven't gotten paid for my recent commercial and voiceover gigs.

And it's officially "been a while" now.

It's not an emergency - I'm in no immediate danger of hunger or homelessness - but I'd still like the happy feeling of getting those checks in the mail.

(This might sound silly, but that "happy feeling" diminishes the longer it takes to receive the money. If it's months between the time I shoot something to when I get paid, and I've been "deficit spending" all the while, when I finally get those checks, instead of feeling like I'm "ahead", at least temporarily, it just feels like I'm continuing to "tread water". Does that make sense?)


(1:45 pm)

(Well, I thought I'd last a little longer than I did this morning - then when I did wake up, I was distracted by my ongoing binge of The Blacklist - but happily, this isn't a race and I've got nothing but time at the moment. Anyway...)

While I referred to this past week as "slow", I enjoyed attending all my GenSpace classes this week (I even went back to the Improv class I dropped after a few weeks, since I now have hours between my morning dance class and late afternoon singing class to kill).

But just as I assumed GenSpace would save me from what seems to be a developing "lull", they're going to be closed on Monday and Tuesday for the next two weeks, for the Jewish holidays.

That means that barring the odd audition, I won't have anything to do from Friday to the following Wednesday for the next two weeks.

A lot of completely unstructured time can pose a problem for me - already I feel myself sliding into some physical and emotional "disrepair", and it's just been a day-and-a-half - but there are movies to see, and Target trips, and...other stuff I can do (ex. Recently checked the balance on an old gift certificate from "The Coffee Bean" and found there's $10 still on it, so I can while away a little time there this week, and maybe draw a picture or something).

In any case, assuming I don't get hit by a bus or something, I think I'll live.

In other GenSpace news, I was recently asked if I'd consent to be interviewed for NPR on May 2nd, along with a few other members, for a story on GenSpace.

It's the third time I've been interviewed for GenSpace (As I joked to Mark and Jane, "One or two more of these and they're gonna have to put me on the payroll...!"), and I'm a little ambivalent about it all - On the one hand, I'm a little uncomfortable being the poster boy for aging, but on the other, I'm a sucker for people paying attention to me.

(What can you do?)

And in still more GenSpace news, there's a field trip to the Getty scheduled for a week from Thursday (Again, I'm not completely comfortable going on these "old person field trips", but I like the Getty - and they provide a free boxed lunch - so I can get past it).

(I didn't sign up initially, because I thought it was part of this "intensive" art class on Camille Claudel they're having for a couple weeks, that I didn't feel I could commit to because they asked that you be able to attend all the sessions. But apparently, this trip is its own "thing". And did I mention, in addition to Camille Claudel, there's a free boxed lunch?)

And Jane will be back in a couple weeks.

And Cary and I are going to get together for a little "dual birthday celebration"soon.

And Mike M thinks he's going to be in town early next month.

And of course, there's always The Blacklist (Seriously - It was a network show that ran for ten seasons, so there's a lot of "Blacklist" to get through).

So, as "lulls" go, I've had worse.

(Till next time...)



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