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10:34 AM - 04.08.24

Just Another Day At The Office
Well, it just took me forever and a day to set it up, but I am writing this entry on my phone, with the aid of a Bluetooth keyboard I bought some years back.

I’m with Jane, at what we’ve taken to calling “The Fancy Starbucks” on Hillhurst (Where I’ve been with Josh on a couple of occasions). We thought it might be fun to have a “work day” together…but since I have no “work”, per se, I’m doing this.

Pleased to have another commercial audition later today, at 200 S LaBrea.

It’s nice to go in wanting to do well, but not feeling like I need to book it (I merely want to, because the spot is fun and it would be nice to “keep things rolling” in the money-earning department).

Our latest - and possibly last - film-festival screening is Wednesday, at the Laemmle in North Hollywood.

Our big concern at this point is getting an audience - I’ve worried since I found out about it that anybody here who wanted to see the film already has (In its debut at the “Awareness Festival” - which screened at the downtown Regal - we had something like 75 people).

But whatever size the audience, it’ll be that many more people who have seen the film, which is a good thing (Not every screening can be like our two in Okemos, where we had SRO houses and felt like rock stars).

Jane is only here for the week, leaving on Saturday (Then she’s home for a few days before heading to Michigan for “family stuff”).

I thought she was going to be here for the thing at LA Community College - Where the film will be screening, I think specifically for an audience of foster kids and “alumni” of the system - but when we talked about it recently, she seemed “iffy” about it (And I get it - that’s a lot of travel in a quick time frame, and she might not be up for it).

If I do have to go alone, that’ll be interesting. I haven’t done a film event solo, so I’ll probably be a lot more nervous. But at this point, I think I can speak for Jane and the film (And myself) in a fairly effective engaging manner, so if that’s the way it shakes down, I’ll be fine.

(And an intrusive thought just popped into my head - To the effect that I’m headed towared a time where I’ll have to deal with a lack of Jane, a lack of some exciting future event, and be back to worrying about when I’ll book my next gig - but I’m going to tell that “intrusive thought” to go fuck itself, because that time, whenever it comes, is not now.)

Thinking about GenSpace…

I started out embarrassed and unhappy with the idea of going to a “community center” for old people who don’t know what to do with themselves.

But now, it’s become a happy part of my routine (To the point where I’m actually a little disappointed that I’m going to miss “Resistance Band Training” today because I have one of those inconvenient, annoying “auditions” I have to do from time to time).

It was fun recently, when, after not getting into the “Latin Dance Class” - because I was too low on the “wait list” - that when someone left and the Instructor waved me in, I got a little round of applause from the class.

One nice thing about GenSpace? It’s not really me hanging out with people in their 80s and 90s - it’s mostly people who seem to be around my age or thereabouts (And when I think about it, it makes sense that a place like GenSpace would kind of self-select towards people vital enough to get themselves to the place, because they want to work to keep mind and body together).

Anyway, I gotta give “Dr Feelgood” credit for that suggestion.

Speaking of “Dr Feelgood”, consulted with him recently about my diet.

I described to him how I’ve been eating these days, and he thought I was tending more “low-carb” than “Keto”, so now I’m trying to decide how I feel about that (Do I want to “Keto”? Or am I content to just be “eating better”?).

Weighed myself this morning, and I’m down five pounds from where I started, about a month ago.

That’s not exactly a thrilling amount of weight loss, but it’s actually the way one is supposed to lose weight, if one wants to keep said weight off.

I could do better, diet wise, but it would be silly to think I haven’t made progress (And as Jane just said - which echoed “Dr F” - focus on the eating, and the rest will take care of itself).

Well, Jane has concluded her business, so I think I shall conclude mine as well.

(Till next time…)



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