
Alan L - 2006-01-06 14:41:58
I really liked the column today Jim. I especially think the piece from Dan Savage deserves a much wider circulation. Enjoy the new bike.
Jane - 2006-01-06 15:14:39
Yay on the bike! May it serve you well, in a "unisex" manner -- I share your curiosities about the boyness-girlness of bikes; I think it started because girls were expected to be wearing SKIRTS while riding, and it would not be seemly to have skirts hitched up provocatively by the crossbar. (Also, in one of your quotes you have "a cold blooded advocated" instead of "advocate" -- you might want to check that.)
dick - 2006-01-06 16:16:16
I'm impressed by the links! I just created a website.......very very crude, but I think it'll be a good thing to have professionally. However, I need to make links to some industry magazines, publishers, etc. and I haven't a clue. Also want to add sound clips. No clue there either. I'm in awe of your html success!
Mark N. - 2006-01-07 09:23:27
Agree wholeheartedly with your take on conservative Christians. I gave this quite a bit of thought during the Christmas season. It's the Fundamentalist (i.e intolerant nutcase) Christians who have sabotaged the religion and spoiled it for everyone else.

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