
abigail - 2007-07-12 17:05:28
Jim: As a recently diagnosed borderline bipolar (and entirely functional at work, school - just not in managing life tasks or relationships) I heartily endorse Javier's recommendation to get to a psychiatrist for meds. I found a good one that has me on two so far (really odd ones btw) and they make a world of difference. Really. And I now have a good talk therapist that is helping me focus on the main issues. My personal life is still chaos (change is slow) but I'm happier than I've been in a long time and seem to have a fairly healthy and kind relationship with 'HB'. When your emotional wiring is haywire (due to genetics or bad childhood or whatever and who cares as long as you address it now) it is hard to 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' and get on with life. Be kind to yourself if you can.

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