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12:05 pm - 08.31.24
Welcome to my "holiday weekend"...

Just got back from Target, primarily to get out of the house (Though I did exchange an empty SodaStream CO2 canister. Which reminds me - I should maybe consider drinking some water sometime. But anyway...).

In "Happy News I Would Like To Become Even Happier News", the audition I had on Monday, which led to a callback on Wednesday, has now become an "avail" (To the uninitiated, that means I could definitely win the big prize...maybe).

(I know I've bitched about "avails" that go nowhere, but with my recent losing streak, where I've struggled to get past the first round, an "avail" is now back to being a good thing.)

Getting that avail also went some way toward easing the pain of a terrible Zoom audition yesterday.

While I assign myself a few percentage points worth of blame, it mostly wasn't my fault - It was more a case of everything that could go technically wrong going technically wrong (My "few percentage points of blame"? If I had printed out my sides when I initially got the notice, it wouldn't have been a problem when the casting website started glitching a couple hours before my audition, meaning I couldn't get the sides or the Zoom info).

The casting site was messed up (Which my agent verified when I called him and said, "HELP!!!", so it wasn't just me), then I couldn't get my phone to behave, then my WIFI decided to join in the fun.

(WIFI-wise, things were okay-but-not-optimal when I did my audition. Then as soon as I finished and the Casting Guy started to dismiss me, he said, "Now your signal is perfect!", to which I responded, somewhat mournfully, "Of course it is...!")

So I'll be shocked if I make it past the first round on that one...!


For some reason, I've kind of been "hanging onto" something very interesting, and very confusing, that I would like to share with you now...

For years, one part of my "family story" is that, for whatever reason, my mother never told my oldest brother Chuck who his father was.

This was a great source of pain and anger for Chuck (Who brought it up in pretty much every phone conversation we had before his untimely demise a couple years ago). And it created something of a "rift" between me and my mother when I wrote her a letter cajoling her to tell him who his Dad was ("Or just tell him you don't know if you don't know")

So anyway, last week sometime, I posted a picture on Facebook that someone had posted of me back in 1987, when I briefly worked in the Boarshead Theatre box office.

Chuck's daughter Brittany commented on how much I looked like her Dad at that age, and I responded by saying I liked the theory her and her sister Ashley had come up with, that me and Chuck might have had the same father.

That's when a woman who said she had been Chuck's foster parent/custodian for a number of years posted to say that wasn't the case

According to her, Chuck had visited our mother at eighteen, when she told him she'd gotten pregnant with him while in the Air Force, and the young man's family name was "Lucas" (Barbara - the foster parent - went on to say that Chuck ultimately opted to keep his mother's maiden name. So apparently he wasn't pissed off at her at that point. But anyway...).


Assuming this woman is telling the truth - And why would she lie? - Chuck was told who his Dad was at eighteen (I assume if she knew his last name, she knew his first). So what the hell was Chuck going on about in all those phone calls? And why didn't Mom respond to my letter by saying, "Hey asshole! I told him, like, 50 years ago, all right?"

Again I say W.T.F??

(And as I write this, it strikes me - I don't think I ever asked her who my father was. All she ever told me, in a letter years before we met, was that he was "a very nice, much older man, who died a long time ago" (Then when we met, she said my father was actually "Hoffmaster", which he definitely was not, as was proved with a DNA test).

So maybe I figured, since it wasn't like we were going to catch up on all our lost father/son time, there wasn't any point?



(Till next time...)



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