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09:32:52 - 2000-12-14
Whats an online journal FOR, anyways?
( Listening to "Good Morning America". They're talking about the very angry black population in Florida; Apparently, there were any number of "irregularities", and more votes got thrown out in predominently black precincts than anywhere else. )

Still thinking about my entry last night, and my anger over being asked to remove something from here.

The thing in question was, I thought, pretty innocuous. It wasn't like Kevin said to me, "That thing you said, that thing I don't agree with? You have to take that out". But I guess it's "the principle of the thing" ( Whatever it is, it's apparently something I feel pretty strongly about! ).

I called Jane after I wrote the entry, cause I had gotten myself worked up, and was going to call Kevin, and that WOULDN'T have been good ( In the cold light of day, I realize that my emotional reaction was a little much. I really wouldn't want to have some big blowout with Kevin over what's essentially a pretty minor disagreement ).

I felt guilty calling Jane--It was after midnight--but it was very helpful. I needed to vent a little, talk it through, and she was a great sounding board. I really think she averted something I would have seriously regretted in the morning.

This situation does bring up a lot of questions for me...

What's the responsibility I have to myself in here, and do I have a responsibility to the people I mention in my entries? What do I want from the people who might read what I write? What do I say, in the future, to someone who might take issue with something I've said in here?

And what is this FOR, anyway?

What this is "for" is actually fairly clear to me; This online journal, in addition to doing what journals do normally ( Allow you to record events, work through problems, sort out feelings, etc ), is an effort to relieve my loneliness ( It feels less SOLITARY than a regular journal ).

But I'm running late for work, so I'm going to have to take this up again later...


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