
theatre-geek - 2004-03-12 11:16:23
After one week, I plum forget about auditions. I move on with my life. I fugure if I don't get a call within a few days, it's a lost cause and I start think about what the next opportunity will be. Then, when I get a call, it's like WOW! What a nice unexpected surprise! And hey, it's not bad to have to sponge off others when you really can't afford stuff. There will come a time when you can pay them back. That know that.
Jim515 - 2004-03-12 12:35:16
You're right, of course--The only way to deal with auditions is to put them behind you ASAP and look ahead to the next one (It definitely falls under "easier said than done" sometimes, at least for me, but that's what I aspire to)...As for having to "sponge off others", I hope my friends know that one of the reasons I want to be successful is SPECIFICALLY so I can repay their tremendous generosity.

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