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3:14 am - Tues 10/12/04
Dateline: Hollywood

Dateline: Hollywood

10/12/04 (1:14 a.m.)

Very sad news about Christopher Reeve yesterday...

I didn't realize I had any special feelings about the man until I checked the CNN website and saw that he'd died.

I've never done this before, reading about someone's death�I said "Oh no...!" out loud, in the middle of my apartment, to no one in particular.

After his accident, I know he was motivated by the possibility that he'd walk again someday, so in addition to the fact that he died so young, I thought it was tragic that he never got to walk again.


I emailed Mandy after getting home from work Sunday night. "Hope we can put any unpleasantness behind us", that sort of thing.

I don't think it's going to make one single bit of difference. I just wanted to be able to tell myself I'd been "adult" about the situation.

Even though the last thing I feel about the situation is "adult".


Watching Thelma & Louise (Bought it yesterday, with my latest book credit at the store)...

The movie has a particular "historical significance"-- It was the first movie I saw after breaking up with Beth II.

When the two of them are "at the end of the road" (Literally, with the cops behind them and the Grand Canyon in front of them), and Thelma says "Let's not get caught...", I started to lose it.

Then when they gunned the motor, and sailed off the cliff, I started to cry. I cried all through the credits, and was still crying when they started to clean the theater for the next show.

Apparently, I'd been feeling a little sad from the get-go...


I had a very good day Wednesday. A very "actor-ish" day (As "actor-ish" a day one can have without actually doing any acting).

It was a good day. And I think it's important that I remember to write about that sort of thing in here. Cause I do have good days, now and again.

In the morning, I had the session with the photographer for my new headshots.

Then after that, I worked on my monologue for the ill-fated Dramatic Audition debacle, and took a nap.

When I woke up, I took the bus to the bookstore, where I met up with Brad W., who was working that day.

When he finished, we went to his place, walked Nero (His dog), then had subs at Quiznos (And that's some good eatin'!).

After that, it was on to the ArcLight to see I (Heart) Huckabees (Brad's a member of the Writer's Guild, and sometime back received an invite to all these free screenings, sponsored by Variety).

The movie, a "metaphysical screwball comedy" was great fun, as was the "talkback" with David O. Russell and Jason Schwartzman afterwards. And it occurred to me that it was very unlikely that I'd have this kind of experience back in Lansing, Michigan, which made the experience even more enjoyable.

With only a few little tweaks here and there, that's how I want my days to go.


Well, I've been enjoying writing these little "bulletins", or whatever you want to call them, and I'd actually like to keep going. But it's gotten late, and I've got a meeting with JS tomorrow/later this morning (To choose my headshots), so I should probably hit the sack.

Nite all...


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