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10:28 am - Sat 12/08/01
Shakespeare for dummies
I have to start getting ready for work in about 15 minutes...

That's one of the problems I'm having these days; Since going back to being a "bookseller", every day I work at a different time, I'm only working one morning shift, and it's been next to impossible for me to establish a good "routine" with my time outside work, whether we're talking about sleeping--which has been more of a problem since I've been on this schedule--or "working" at home, or ( And this is pretty damned important ), figuring out exactly when I'm going to audition for things.

I still feel like I haven't done a very good job at setting up my life here to make things as clear as possible for acting.

One thing I have to do is have this car situation RESOLVED, one way or another. I have to assume that if Gustavo hasn't figured things out at this point, he's not GOING to. If, wonder of wonders, a MIRACLE happens, that would be great, but I need to either have a car or know that I DON'T have a car, and figure out what happens from there. I've used this "limbo" of being car-less as another excuse to not do what I need to do. And I don't want to be like that anymore; There HAS to be a way to work things like this out. I CAN'T be the only poor person in LA who's HAD this sort of problem.

John's not likely to be able to give me a 9 to 5 schedule, which is really what I need right now, but the way things stand, unless something falls on my day off, I don't have ANY night free to audition; I think if I asked to work Monday days that would be a big help (A lot of auditions here, at least of the community theater persuasion, seem to happen on Sunday and Monday).

I finished reading "Henry IV, Part I" earlier this morning. Next on the hit parade--"Cymbeline".

(If this upcoming audition does nothing else, it's good that it's got me READING plays. This is something I should be doing all the time, auditions or not.)

When I first started reading "Henry", I was immediately scared about what a tough time I had reading the King's opening soliloqouy (sp?). But it's mostly just a matter of getting used to the language, and getting used to constantly referring to the footnotes as you read; I wasn't that far into things before I felt like I was basically getting the idea, then not much further than that when I almost felt like I was just reading a good story.

But once again, to work...


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