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12:04 PM - FRI 10.04.24
Suicide By Swiss Cake Rolls
As I begin, I'm thinking about all the junk food I bought last night...

Why did I do it?

Because junk makes me happy in the moment...even if it's gonna kill me in the long run.

But that doesn't explain why I've gone nuts with it lately, to a level that, to me, says something more than just, "It feels good", something really messed up.

So I'm throwing away the open box of Swiss Cake Rolls, and leaving the unopened stuff in the lobby to give away.

(But I'm keeping the peanut M&Ms.)


Had my first real TV audition in quite some time (A very small costar, but "beggars can't be choosers" and all that).

Jane R. helped me with it, but even though I felt good about what I did, I don't see it happening - I felt like I knew the cliche they were going for, realized I didn't have it in me to do that (Also didn't have the wardrobe), so I did something else.

It was fun, I thought I executed well, and hopefully, they'll see it and keep me in mind for something else.

But I'd be kinda shocked if I got the call for this one.

So no money there.

But I did the ADR session for "Natalia" on Weds, and that was both fun and profitable (I don't know exactly how much I'm getting paid, but if I remember correctly, the last time I did an ADR session, I got about half my shoot fee for the day).

I was nervous going in, because I haven't done much ADR and I didn't want to hang the nice sound people up with my amateur-hour efforts (I think a general rule-of-thumb, if you want to be liked in a situation like this, is to be as pleasant as possible, and be able to do the thing without a lot of fuss and bother).

And happily, it went very well - They made me feel quite welcome (They seemed very excited when they realized they knew me from Shameless, telling me they'd had "Ian" - aka Cameron Monaghan - in just a week before),

Even though I didn't really think I was the reason for the session in the first place, it was still a relief to find out that, other than a one-word line I did on the day, the lines they wanted me to do were all additional lines or rewrites.

In each instance, they got takes they liked, then would ask me if I wanted to do anything else, which I thought was very nice (It made me feel respected as an actor. That said, each time they asked, I'd say some variation on "If you're good, I'm good", partly because I trusted their judgment, and partly because, as stated previously, I think tech people appreciate it if you can do your thing without a lot of rigamarole).

And seeing myself in the role, I have to say, I think I make a damn good-looking judge (Even if it's a relatively small role in a single episode, when it airs, I hope this will help open up some more possibilities in terms of my casting).

So that's basically where things are at today.

Looking forward to Jane R being back in town in a few weeks.

And while I'm anxious about the upcoming New York trip with Mark and Jane Z (Every time I think of the 6am flight out of LAX, I get a little weepy), I know it's gonna be great hanging out with them and seeing New York for the first time in something like 40 years.

But for the moment, I think I'm going to lay myself down for a spell, then get up and get ready to see the new "Joker" movie in a few hours.

(Till next time...)



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