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08:56:28 - 2000-12-01
Last night continued
As I was saying...

Wednesday, I wasn't in the best of shape, but in the evening something happened, and it shouldn't have been any big deal really, but it somehow made me feel really good--Basically, I got some stuff done. I did three loads of laundry, washed the dishes, worked on my song for "Oliver" ( I sang along to the soundtrack while I dished ), and defrosted the fridge, and still had time to watch "The West Wing" and answer some e-mail.

To normal adult people that probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but that level of industry is definitely not the norm for me. It felt good, because I've needed a sense that I can DO things, a thing or two at a time. And I still had time for some things I enjoy, which was also a good thing.

Another thing that improved my outlook on life is a conversation I had with Mark F; He was painting this happy scenario, with me at the academy awards, beautiful woman on my arm, and it was a pretty fun notion. And he said, basically, "If you go to LA, it COULD happen. If you don't go, it will NEVER happen".

He has a point. But, whether I have panicky feelings or not, no one has to persuade me to go. I'm GOING ( More than one person has asked me, "So are you still planning to go?". I don't really understand that; These aren't people I've even expressed any panic or ambivalence to regarding the move. It makes me want to say, "I SAID I was going, didn't I?" ).

Yesterday, I was checking my answering machine from work, and there was a message from Edrick, saying he had talked to Bill H. ( They work at the same school )and that Bill told him he WASN'T going to be auditioning for "Oliver" after all ( He's "too busy" ).

That was VERY happy news! Jane told me that Bill was going to be auditioning a long time ago, and made it pretty clear that she saw him as a pretty excellent candidate for "Fagin". So with him out of the way...well, I'm not going to assume it's clear sailing, but the way becomes much clearer, I think.

Time for work...


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