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1:21 pm - Sat 2/09/02
Things I forgot to say up till now.
A couple things I've forgotten to mention in here...

Some time after Xmas, I got a number of cards that were addressed to my previous address (I was in #201, a "bachelor"; Now I'm in #101, a "single").

One card was addressed to my old place back in Lansing. It was from Omar Pupo.

Now, if you've been following along, Omar Pupo was my "foster father" for about a decade. I left his home, shall we say, under some DURESS.

I was very surprised to hear from him, since the last communication we had was some years ago, after a brief effort at reconnecting on my part; I communicated with him (I think I called him first, then wrote), and he wrote back, but I wasn't very happy with what he had to say (In my mind, he essentially blew off sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on his part as being "overly strict"). So I e-mailed him, and while I don't remember exactly what I said, it WASN'T conciliatory (sp?)--I basically said, "When you talk about being 'too strict', are you talking about the sexual abuse, or all the times you called me 'clumsy' and 'Herman Munster'?".

So anyway, I was surprised to hear from him (The card didn't really SAY anything--"Hope you have a nice Xmas", or something like that--and there wasn't any return address).

I haven't communicated back with him yet. I'm not sure what I'd have to say. But I thought it was...interesting.


I made brownies recently.

Granted, they were just from a BOX, but if you know me, you know that's a MAJOR effort on my part. And it may be the first time I've actually USED the oven since I've been here.


A week or two ago, I contacted Johnny Ray McGee, a friend of Tony B's who is in the Actor's Studio out here.

I mentioned looking for scenes recently, and the reason I was doing that was with the idea of auditioning for the Actor's Studio at some point.

Why not? It would be free, it would be me being part of the acting community out here, and it would probabably provide me some good connections.

I just have to find a scene, and someone to do it with...

Well, this just feels like a PART of an entry, but I've got to lay down for a bit before I have to get ready for work. I just wanted to quickly get down a few things that had been "flying under the radar", because I know it's very easy for those things to disappear altogether.


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